

The aim of Gaziantep Prolotherapy is to correct this intervention and to treat the disease or symptom. It means to affect the nervous system for recovery. The autonomic nervous system is a very large electrical network system in our body. This nervous system is a bioelectrical network that reaches every cell and controls its work. (The length of which it wraps around our whole body like a net is 500,000 km.) This system manages the functioning of all internal organs such as the heart, respiration, digestive system, our hormones, body temperature Ph, metabolism, and our emotions; In other words, it is the nervous system that works involuntarily, which ensures the continuation of life by maintaining the internal balance of the body.

Gaziantep Proloterapi

What is Prolotherapy?

Disturbances in this network form the basis of all our diseases. Since neural therapy corrects these disorders, it provides effective treatment for all diseases. It is possible to treat the disease from its source with this effect, which cannot be achieved with drug therapy. Although neural therapy is a method widely used to relieve chronic pain, it is also used for allergies, cold sores, headaches, asthma, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, hormone irregularity, sports or muscle injuries, gallbladder, heart, liver diseases, depression, dizziness. It is also therapeutic for menstrual pain and cramps, skin and circulation problems.

It should not be confused with needle treatments applied to the body by some physicians. (Dry Needle, Acupuncture, etc.) Neuraltherapy is a method of treating pain and organ functional disorders using 1% local anesthetic. Neural therapy makes permanent regulation in the body with a completely different biophysical effect. Neural Therapy, which is a natural treatment method, can be easily applied even to pregnant and lactating mothers. It has no side effects, the treatment is completely permanent.


Making a statement about the treatment method, Dr. Dr. Elif Berber Menekşe, “Prolotherapy is actually the name of the treatment method. For example, we can also do prolotherapy using PRP (stem cell) or CGF (concentrated growth factor) solution obtained as a result of processing the blood taken from the patient. With the prolotherapy technique, the application of PRP to the knee joint and joints is one and the same. According to the injection, it increases the effect by spreading the effect of PRP to the whole knee joint. After prolotherapy, a personalized exercise program is given. If there is vitamin D deficiency, it is definitely supplemented in terms of the effectiveness of prolotherapy, in addition, the patient’s need for probiotics in terms of the intestinal system is evaluated by the physician and added if necessary. he said.

Gaziantep Proloterapi


exp. Dr. Elif Berber Menekşe Regarding Prolotherapy, “Prolotherapy is basically a regeneration treatment. It means the regeneration of damaged, worn, degenerated ligaments, joints, tendons and soft tissue. It is the purpose of triggering the body’s self-healing potential. Calcifications are one of the diseases in which prolotherapy is most applied. its structure is deteriorated, its ligaments are damaged, narrowing of the joint space, and cartilage damage occur.

In this case, in order to renew the joint, an injection is made with a special proliferating solution to the special points in the joint where the tendons and ligaments attach to the bone and cartilage points. As a result of this injection, the body’s healing cells come to these stimulated areas and initiate healing and tissue repair occurs. Hernias occur as a result of the biomechanical disorder in that region of the spine and the laxity in the ligaments. Therefore, in order to prevent new hernias, the biomechanical disorder in that region must be; should be relieved with exercises, physical therapy methods or prolotherapy injections.

Prolotherapy; In addition, incomplete shoulder muscle tears, frozen shoulder, meniscus wear, recurrent head, neck, back, low back pain, non-healing hernias after surgery, pain due to fibromyalgia, nerve compression in hands and feet, heel spurs, neck-related headaches and neck-related headaches In many diseases such as vertigo, coccyx pain, tennis elbow, persistent pain in the ribs and spine, sports injuries, joint and ligament laxity, in addition to many treatment methods such as medication, physical therapy, exercise or surgery, according to the patient’s condition, it can be applied to the patient by specialist physicians. It is a medical treatment method that can be used,” he said.

Gaziantep What are the types of prolotherapy? In which ailments is it used?

What are the types of prolotherapy?

Saying that there are different solutions for injection in prolotherapy treatment, Nasırcılar: “These are selected according to the patient’s problem. Among the solution types; Dextrose Plorotherapy, PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) and stem cell solutions obtained from the person’s own bone marrow and adipose tissue are available. said.

Gaziantep Proloterapi

Gaziantep Prolotherapy is used in which diseases?

Askin Nasırcılar mentioned in which diseases prolotherapy is used: “This treatment, which is mostly applied to the waist, knee, shoulder and foot regions, can be easily used in the treatment of diseases such as calcification, meniscus tears, waist-neck hernias, shoulder muscle tears, heel spurs, tennis elbow.